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5 Steps to Writing the "Award-Winning" Personal Statement
It's Time to Debunk!
It's Just an Essay, Right?
It's Called a Personal Statement for a Reason
The Ultimate Goal
It's Game Time: When to Start Writing
Common Mistakes
Start Early!
When to Actually Start Writing
The 5 Steps
Step 1: Make Your Game Plan
Step 2: Say Hello First
Step 3: Supporting Your 'Why'
Step 4: End with a Bang!
Step 5: Tweak & Twerk
Writing Pearls
Understanding Your 'Why'
Me, Unique?
How to Say A Lot with Few Words
When is Personal Too Personal?
Staying Organized
The Turtle Won the Race
Expect Frustration and Welcome Writer's Block
Have a Team of Reviewers
Things to Remember
Example Time Frame: From Blinking Cursor to Final Product
The Ultimate Goal
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